A lifestyle brand headed by Instagram celebrity Dan Bilzerian could face sanctions should it continue to recycle arguments for why it shouldn't be forced to pay a $1.6 million judgment to a consulting firm it was accused of cheating, a Nevada federal judge warned in an order denying the brand's motion for reconsideration.

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U.S. District Judge James C. Mahan chided Ignite International Brands' objections, saying they were "bereft of substantive legal analysis and contain many misstatements."
On Friday, Judge Mahan said he wouldn't rethink the court's ruling that the company — which dabbles in spirits, vapes and cannabis products — breached a contract with Consulting by AR LLC and owed the firm $1.6 million, noting that the court didn't "commit a clerical mistake or omission" when finding the company liable. Judge Mahan also advised Ignite not to keep deploying the same arguments in the hopes that he will change his mind.
"The court admonishes them that, under Local Rule 59-1(b), a movant who repeats arguments on a motion for reconsideration may be subject to sanctions," he said. "The Ignite counter-defendants cannot seek reconsideration simply because they disagree with the court's decision."
Additionally, Judge Mahan unsealed an April 2023 memorandum explaining the court's reasoning for finding in favor of Consulting by AR.
The memo suggests that the consulting firm delivered on essentially everything the contract stipulated and that Bilzerian and Ignite management were satisfied with the firm's work. Yet, Ignite tried to dodge paying by leaning on trifling issues, Judge Mahan's memo said.