President elect donald trump won’t return to the oval office for another 2 months. A lot can and will go down between now and then. In an effort to reassure the American voting majority that they WILL be cashing in Trump 2.0’s campaign promises and will NOT be getting the watered-down 2016-2020 Trump OG varietal; this weekend, he broke em off with a lil fire-and-brimstone.

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In a statement aired across social media networks, trump unveiled what he called “his plan to restore law and order,” Now this is something I think we ALL agree needs to be done… I mean, what kinda banana republic are WE living in where a 34-count convicted felon, fraudster, and rapist was able to incompetently stumble his way BACK into the highest office of the land. Something’s got to give.
Trump said a lot in this wide-ranging 5 minute long “weaving” diatribe of a live post, so I highlighted the parts most relevant to us in the cannabis industry:
In an effort to reverse Joe Biden and “the defund the police democrats’” existing war on police, Trump says he’ll be making a REcord investment into nationwide police hiring and training. This WILL NOT be a hand out. Said investments will be quid pro quo - in exchange for precincts that agree to implement a new Blanket immunity plan for police officers; protecting them from all liability.
I guess we’re just supposed to forget about Joe Biden’s $5B “discretionary” blank check to enforcement agencies nationwide back in 2023… but, I digress.
to qualify for the money, precincts MUST enforce his proposed nationwide “stop and frisk mandate, because I guess the 4th ammendment’s no longer valid, either…
His next proposal was something I actually don’t mind- he said that he plans on going after “radical left police offices” and he’d be giving small business owners that have been “pillaged” the ability to sue local enforcement agencies for “harm and suffering” and they’ll be entitled to “massive damages” for reported instances of refusing to protect their assets.
While I still don’t have much faith in local cops stepping up to protect legal cannabis businesses, if he DOES put something like this in place, a paper trail of accountability can be used to track officers and departments refusing to protect dispensaries from theft and robberies like they would any mainstream business over the last few years.
Finally…. Death penalties for drug dealers.
Perhaps Trump’s most controversial proposal in this speech was mentioned twice in the 5 minute, 20 second clip.
He said that implementing the death penalty for drug dealers is “so important” for stopping America’s breakdown of law and order; and it’s neccessary to dismantle every cartel and illegal gang in our country.
This was a clever point inserted by who I assume to be stephen miller writing this speech… It gives Trump an out… Relieves him of the inevitable liability that’ll come his way if cartels and illegal gangs aren’t completely eradicated - he’ll be blamingany sort of failure on the “radical leftists” who hate america… all because he was never given the power to fully enforce death upon all involved…
In the past, Trump’s made several statements praising dictators that had the authority to use the death penalty at will. Now he says he’ll be doing the same. Pretty normal stuff.
Exit polls show he did a great job of playing up America’s emotionally-driven “out of control violence” while ignoring what real data revealed.
Yes, it’s true, certain larger cities - LA being one of them, have been plagued with spikes in crime, and it needs to be addressed. But overall, numbers are WAY down - and especially in all the places that voted for him.
It’ll be interesting to see how much of these policies actually make it into law. But given that we’re not even a week removed from last week’s election and still got another 2 months before inauguration, I think it’s safe to say that Americans will NOT be getting any breaks from the drama between now and then…
I’m Rico Lamitte, the Dopest Dad on The Street, for high at 9 news.